In this post I am going to combine all the information of all our previous Covid-19 Posts into this 1 easy to find location.
Updated Oct 14 2021
New changes:
Masks must be warn by any participants aged 5+ except when they are wearing a VR headset (as per Prov health order adjustment)
We are not required to check BC Vaccine Cards (As Per province guidelines)
Communicable Disease Prevention
-Max 10 Attendees
-All Bookings are private
Safety - Sanitization
-All Bookings reserved in advance and are Private
-Each booking has a buffer period between the next
-Customers are asked to wait outside the studio (In the mall hallway) until the studio is cleared and cleaned and they are asked to come inside
-Headsets, Face-pads and controllers and play equipment are disinfected between each participant
-Headsets are equipped with non absorbent pads that can be easily disinfected and are swapped between bookings.
-All high touch surfaces are disinfected between bookings
-Hand washing station and Hand sanitizer is available to all participants and must be used before the session begins.
-Employees are to stay socially distanced in all possible situations
-Employees complete a health check before they start work.
-Any employees exhibiting any symptoms are to stay home.
Cancelation policy
-There is no penalty to cancel at any time.
-If anyone in your group is experiencing symptoms related to Covid-19 we ask that you please stay home and do not attend.
-We may have to cancel or re schedule if our employee/or employees experience illness.